Japan Introduces a 4-Day Workweek In a never-before occurrence, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government of Japan has decided...
A Historical Journey Through Heritage : It is a country with colossal diversity in culture and a...
GOODBYE OLD TOLL-PLAZA SYSTEM :- India is all poised for a sea change in the present toll...
Salute to Him: Ex-Army Man Brijendra Singh There are rare acts of selflessness that can usually be...
6 Essential Train Travel Rules Every Passenger Should Know : Thousand people in India travel by train...
SHOCKING INCIDENT: Ambulance Carrying Pregnant Woman Catches Fire In a terrifying incident that occurred on the Jalgaon...
Four brothers of PM Modi :- PM Narendra Modi’s Siblings: A Quiet and Humble Family in the...
UP government decided to ban male tailors measuring women for safety reasons! :- In a recent safety...
All PAN Cards should be linked to Aadhar Card by 31st December 2024 otherwise all PAN Cards...
Donald Trump Declares Plan to Ban Transgender Surgeries and Redefine Gender in the U.S. Reactions have come...