Japan Introduces a 4-Day Workweek In a never-before occurrence, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government of Japan has decided...
A Historical Journey Through Heritage : It is a country with colossal diversity in culture and a...
Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour : This is a tour that not only breaks barriers and records but...
Return of Magic : The Harry Potter universe is gearing itself up for a grand comeback, since...
Shimla Witnesses First December Snowfall : Just last weekend, Shimla, the Queen of Hills as she is...
Historic Milestone in Indian Cinema A time in Indian cinema has now entered as Pushpa 2: The...
GOODBYE OLD TOLL-PLAZA SYSTEM :- India is all poised for a sea change in the present toll...
Salute to Him: Ex-Army Man Brijendra Singh There are rare acts of selflessness that can usually be...
Tearful Reunion: Karnataka Police Reunites Kidnapped Newborn In a truly amazing thing- that happened within 30 hours...
SHOCKING INCIDENT: Ambulance Carrying Pregnant Woman Catches Fire In a terrifying incident that occurred on the Jalgaon...